Monday, November 10, 2014

Long Hair, Don't Care

My son Aiden is almost two years old now and we have never cut his hair. Currently he has very long and pretty blonde hair and I like it, but apparently people I know...friends, family...they do not and they feel it necessary to constantly talk about it like they have a say in my son's appearance. I do not know where this problem with long hair on boys comes from... I do not understand why it is such a bone of contention for some people, but I do understand that regardless of how other people feel about my son's long hair... it will stay that way. Listen, I get it...people confuse him for a girl and that does not bother me so I do not understand why on earth it would bother anyone else...
Why does it matter if a complete stranger calls him a she?
Why does it matter if someone randomly and wrongly says he needs to get his hair cut?

1. NO he does not need to get his hair cut.
2. NO it is no one's business why my son's hair is long.
3. NO it is not appropriate to tell someone else that they need to cut their child's hair.  Here is the rub with that... if you are a parent, mind your own kid's upbringing and I will mind mine.  If you are not, you have absolutely no right to tell me how to raise my child.  Essentially.... you do you and I will do me...thanks. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Today was Aiden's 2nd trip to the Ocmulgee Indian Festival in Macon. I volunteered this year and spent four hours helping children make pottery and directing people to a walking path and then enjoyed a bit of time with Adam and Aiden before having to rush home to finish a paper with a very close deadline.

We're planning his 2nd birthday party...WOW...that soon??!!!?? 
I cannot believe it.

His grandparents from Florida had a small visit this weekend and he enjoyed spending some quality time.  His grandmother made him some awesome pajamas...which I totally got too excited about because I love pajamas and they all match and are adorable.

(it is the small things people...)

He loves their inflatable bed they sleep on when they visit
Because I am a glutton for punishment and I also think it is hilarious when I see my kid get overly excited, I bought him a flute at the Indian festival. I saw a little girl running around with one while I worked a craft table and I thought to that is loud, Aiden needs one.
I care not for my own sanity. I can only say that his reaction to the flute was comparable to the reaction to the spaceship guy in the Lego movie... FLUTE FLUTE FLUTE!!!!
After the five seconds it took him to figure out how to make sound...he was just elated with it and so tickled and full of laughter, it was worth the five dollars.
He has since played the flute many times tonight before being convinced to go to bed.

This boy likes his flute
Overall... we had a great weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ear Infection Ending

Aiden's first really big bout of sickness has almost gone...the dreaded ear infection which was accompanied by a 104 temperature!  

After 4 days of antibiotics, he went outside today and played.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Free Comic Book Day!

It is always fun when you know someone in a specific business and Adam and I just so happen to have a friend who recently opened their own comic shop...which is awesome and great for them.  We wanted to show them some support and check the place out today since it was Free Comic Book day and they had things like face painting, a dunking booth, and a bouncy castle.
Aiden had a great time, got his first comic book, a minion, AND experienced pocky (which he likes).

Aiden Brann Wilson: the next agent of SHIELD

He had more energy than I did

Happy Boy!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wow Already?

I find myself continuously surprised when I act in a way I never thought possible.  As a mom, it happens quite a lot.
Like getting a little emotional when you realize your tiny boy is already growing into a bigger boy.
Sixteen months old...

Now he is running, climbing, opening doors, not using his baby tub anymore...
all awesome and small things...all indicators that he is not a baby.

His 2nd Easter, much more active than the first

On the occasion of his second Easter, he had a peep, threw fake grass all over the house and found himself transfixed by his mom playing his new harmonica. This year he hunted eggs, and ran around the backyard like a pro... wow.

Cool and calm...the opposite of his mom in that chair.
This week marked the occasion of his first dentist appointment and although he ran through the waiting room like a whirling dervish (running into windows), he sat in the chair like a big boy and did not protest the entire appointment...teeth cleaning included!

It does not look like much...but it meant a ton

Yesterday I turned around from working on a paper to see this.  He climbed up in his dad's chair to watch Harry Potter alone, no help from mom, no sitting on floor...and then he proceeded to do it the rest of the afternoon.  Wow... big boy.

I know I sentimental can you get?  When did I get so emotional over such small things?  
Did I mention him blessing me out in baby language when I wake him up from his nap when he is not ready... yea...that too lol.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Much Needed Break and a First Trip to the Park

I have papers to write and books to read...but it is also lovely out and I needed a break to spend time with two very important people.
There were quite a few events going on in downtown Macon today so we took Aiden out and he had a really great time...going to Washington Park (oh the memories) for the first time!

Aiden and his dad playing

You have to hold on to him because man can he run

Downtown Macon

Dad and Son milling about

pretty day


view of St. Joe's

He loved this marker

more patting the marker

Eating Lunch at Washington Park


Playing in the water with Mom

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Pacifier Wars

Aiden likes his pacifier.
His mother does not like his pacifier.
Aiden lays down for a nap without his pacifier.
His mother finds him asleep with a pacifier.
Aiden is playing in his tent without a pacifier.
His mother finds him pulling a pacifier out of nowhere (after checking area for pacifiers)
Aiden is in his stroller ready for a walk.
His mother looks down and he has a pacifier.

I had no idea there were that many pacifiers in the house.
and I've confiscated many....

This child is relentless...

We do not know where this one came from....

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Mind of a Toddler

Aiden Watching Sesame Street

Sometimes I look at him when he seems like he is deep in thought and wonder what he is thinking....So of course I want him to be brilliant at everything.  I read to him every night and we listen to audio books on our daily walks.  While I let him watch Harry Potter and Totoro, I hope that complemented by sesame street and learning shows (even Super Why..which I hate because they change the story in the book).  He's getting to the point where he babbles in complete baby sentences and while I have no clue what he is saying, I think to myself (because of course I am bias).... wow my child is SO smart.

I hope not to push it or force him into anything, but I think education is so important...but so is playing, and going OUTSIDE...which I enforce...we walk every day... (unless it is raining) and when he runs through the yard or throws a ball I think...good he's exercising...

I am in no way going to be perfect at parenting... I am going to make mistakes... like spoiling him or getting angry for no reason... or becoming weak when I say no more pacifier and bottle and give him his paci when he goes to bed.... but I am trying.

I don't want him to be afraid to ask questions, try new things, or hesitant about change...
I want him to see a new food and go WHAT DOES THAT TASTE LIKE...instead of ewww its different...
I want him to see a word he doesn't know and go.... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN.... and not slowly recoil from reading because there are so many other distractions in the world begging for his attention.

Because I want him to have every opportunity...
and I want him to be happy and all that rose colored stuff every mom wants.
and yes... I want him to be smart... and love reading because his mom does. 
I dont want him to want to sit in front of the tv all day, play video games, and eat junk....

When Aiden was four months old, we strapped him in a carrier and walked down two miles of nature trails at the Ocmulgee Monument... pretty soon, I want him to WANT to walk those trails with me.
I cannot wait!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Prepare For Emotional Mom Moment

Fifteen months, that

And he is such a big boy!

Aiden Brann Wilson // 15 Months Old // Warner Robins, Ga

Today was his 15 month appointment and everything went great...
He is 31 inches long (which is over half my height) and he weighs 23.4 lbs.  The Doctor asked about his talking and received proof of his budding vocabulary when he said to her: "Nooooooooooooo!!" when she wanted him to lay down lol.

We are working on sight words, body parts, etc.... and today is the day we start getting away from the bottle and the pacifier (to be honest he is not super attached to either so I do not think it will be a struggle).

He has 8 teeth, one molar coming through and everything else is awesome.

He says mama, daddy, Dog, No, Banana (nana), and a few other words we cannot really understand but he thinks we should.

He was a tiny bitty thing only a few months ago...

Now... he runs. 

Dr. Appointment April 7, 2014.

I am attempting to not be one of those cheesy look at how big he is moms...but I am so deal. When I told the Doctor we read to him every night and he has a whole shelf of books, she was elated...made me feel good.