Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Mind of a Toddler

Aiden Watching Sesame Street

Sometimes I look at him when he seems like he is deep in thought and wonder what he is thinking....So of course I want him to be brilliant at everything.  I read to him every night and we listen to audio books on our daily walks.  While I let him watch Harry Potter and Totoro, I hope that complemented by sesame street and learning shows (even Super Why..which I hate because they change the story in the book).  He's getting to the point where he babbles in complete baby sentences and while I have no clue what he is saying, I think to myself (because of course I am bias).... wow my child is SO smart.

I hope not to push it or force him into anything, but I think education is so important...but so is playing, and going OUTSIDE...which I enforce...we walk every day... (unless it is raining) and when he runs through the yard or throws a ball I think...good he's exercising...

I am in no way going to be perfect at parenting... I am going to make mistakes... like spoiling him or getting angry for no reason... or becoming weak when I say no more pacifier and bottle and give him his paci when he goes to bed.... but I am trying.

I don't want him to be afraid to ask questions, try new things, or hesitant about change...
I want him to see a new food and go WHAT DOES THAT TASTE LIKE...instead of ewww its different...
I want him to see a word he doesn't know and go.... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN.... and not slowly recoil from reading because there are so many other distractions in the world begging for his attention.

Because I want him to have every opportunity...
and I want him to be happy and all that rose colored stuff every mom wants.
and yes... I want him to be smart... and love reading because his mom does. 
I dont want him to want to sit in front of the tv all day, play video games, and eat junk....

When Aiden was four months old, we strapped him in a carrier and walked down two miles of nature trails at the Ocmulgee Monument... pretty soon, I want him to WANT to walk those trails with me.
I cannot wait!

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