Saturday, April 26, 2014

Wow Already?

I find myself continuously surprised when I act in a way I never thought possible.  As a mom, it happens quite a lot.
Like getting a little emotional when you realize your tiny boy is already growing into a bigger boy.
Sixteen months old...

Now he is running, climbing, opening doors, not using his baby tub anymore...
all awesome and small things...all indicators that he is not a baby.

His 2nd Easter, much more active than the first

On the occasion of his second Easter, he had a peep, threw fake grass all over the house and found himself transfixed by his mom playing his new harmonica. This year he hunted eggs, and ran around the backyard like a pro... wow.

Cool and calm...the opposite of his mom in that chair.
This week marked the occasion of his first dentist appointment and although he ran through the waiting room like a whirling dervish (running into windows), he sat in the chair like a big boy and did not protest the entire appointment...teeth cleaning included!

It does not look like much...but it meant a ton

Yesterday I turned around from working on a paper to see this.  He climbed up in his dad's chair to watch Harry Potter alone, no help from mom, no sitting on floor...and then he proceeded to do it the rest of the afternoon.  Wow... big boy.

I know I sentimental can you get?  When did I get so emotional over such small things?  
Did I mention him blessing me out in baby language when I wake him up from his nap when he is not ready... yea...that too lol.

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