Monday, December 23, 2013


Aiden at Halloween

I cannot believe it has already been a year.  I admit, while I wanted a child badly, I was apprehensive about being a mom (to be fair, I am apprehensive about everything), but it is an amazing experience and I love my little family.

Aiden and his dad on his bday 12/20

This year has been one of the most stressful of my life, but in a good way.  I kind of find those women who act like every moment of being a mother is some blissful calming experience...its not and I've learned that its OK to be stressed out, need a break, and think...this isn't a great day and I kind of get annoyed at people who act like women shouldn't feel this way.  
Well...into that... I've learned I really really REALLY dislike unsolicited advice...period. 

Somehow, although I usually did what I thought was best, we made it through the first year without much drama... He had one week of slight snuffles and that was about it. 

Aiden a few days old, and around 6 lbs.
Look how tiny!!!  Wow, he was 6 lbs, technically two weeks early, but planned that way for health sake... he was a little man (that being said, two pounds heavier than his mom almost 36 years earlier, I was born on dec 26th). 

3 months old
He did not stay tiny very long, even at 3 months he was growing out of his newborn clothes and being pretty awesome... He wasn't fussy, no colic, it was pretty much smooth sailing.

the early days of cereal 

I remember giving him tiny amounts of cereal, now its full portions and PUFFS PUFFS PUFFS lol.

out and about

We take him everywhere...we travel, we go out to dinner, we hike down trails...its what we do and its great, he loves going out.

Aiden 11 months

Before we knew it he was crawling, pulling himself up..and talking!  He currently has a wide vocabulary of mama, dada, puffs, lizzie, Hey, and Heidi.  He says a lot more, but Adam and I are not skilled enough in the field of language to understand baby.  

Aiden's 1st Bday party!

Now December 20th has come and gone, we had an epic baby bday party with a lot of cool friends and family to celebrate teh event.  Aiden wanted wrapping paper...this was his most favorite item of the day.

awwww yeaaaaa.....

And look at this awesome cake... lol.   Yea, I have my one time to choose the theme before he's big enough to choose his own.  To be fair, he's actually "read" all seven of the Harry Potter books and "seen" all 8 movies.   We walk a mile and a half every day and listen to the audio books and I've read them to him as well....yea, its ok that mom is slightly obsessed.  

It has been a long year, not perfect, not total bliss, but amazing and I think that is the best way to say it.  Adam and I have learned a lot and we are pretty happy with our tiny family.

What is next for 2014...
I can't wait for him to walk and have conversations.
I'm pretty excited about teaching him letters and numbers and reading.
And for mom.... Its going to be more about us and a little less about everyone else.  

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