Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I HAD to Share!

Alright I know I already posted today BUT... I had to share because I am slightly excited!!!

HE is taking a nap!!!!! Not in his swing!!!  Not in a Swaddle!!! and not after an hour of coaxing!!!  All I had to do was put his noise machine in his bed!!!

Ok...back to the day....

Aiden Loves the Water

Aiden loves to swim and is adorable while doing it.  After two failed attempts this week (welcome to Ga in the Summer where thunderstorms happen daily), we finally were able to get in some pool time yesterday evening (my sister Jackie has a great pool).  

Last time we had a family event at Jackie's house, we put Aiden in the baby pool and he enjoyed it (we ended up buying him a tiny one for here at the house), but when we put him in the pool with us, he lit up.  He loves to kick, splash his hands, and I love that, any new experience is a good experience most of the time.

Since I want to one day live near a coast (preferably CA), I think it is great that he loves the water.
Made my afternoon.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Six Months

Today has been crazy at the Wilson house!  Trying to cook, clean, go for a walk, and deal with a car that wants to act funky... aka a trip to the shop on my husband's way home...bleh for him right??!!??

Today is ALSO Aiden's 6 month birthday!!  woo woo!!

He did happily pose for some posh birthday pics, but he's been rowdy since....
Now that he rolls about and scoots across the floor, this little ham is a handful.  :D

He's even said Mama a few times, which is awesome.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rain, Rain, Rain

What a dreary day here in Middle Georgia.  Aiden was taking the day to nap until thunder startled him...

What was that noise??!!!??
At least he does not freak out like our schnauzer who promptly hides under the bed with any large sound...especially thunder.

While he has only done it a few times, we are pretty sure Aiden's uttered the words "mamamamama" when he gets upset and wants to be picked up... I will take this as a Mama.   :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Over Worrying Mom Strikes Again

For months, Aiden has experienced a reoccurring dry patch of skin on his forehead.  The patch becomes more agitated at times because he scratches it and I am starting to worry he has baby eczema.  From what I have read, it is very common among babies and they usually grow out of it, just to keep his face moisturized and hydrated which we do daily.  I am going to ask his pediatrician at his next visit, but bleh... poor thing, he has two patches now.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Oh Man... Teeth.... :(

Perhaps as I become a more experienced mother and teething becomes a regular part of growing up I will not have such torn heartstrings when my 99.9% of the time jovial baby is completely miserable.  Going from a baby who when he does cry, it can be stopped within thirty seconds to a baby who literally cried for thirty minutes straight until he wore himself out... is a huge change.  
I of course called the pediatrician and was given some great advice, which I am following, but teething isn't fun for babies and I am sure he is sore and that is the only way he can get it all out.  

Its a horrible pic because I had my phone camera reversed, but he doesn't even look his normal happy self.  

I finally got him to sleep a few minutes ago and I am going to let him sleep...  I'm being a total tender heart mom today and saying this is just hard to handle...poor thing.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 2013

New teeth are not exactly fun.  Aiden is doing pretty good for a baby with two teeth coming in at the same time.  He has cried a bit and had a small fever, but he is still a good little boy.

Now while I have these really adorable happy pictures, he has cried a bit and thanks to baby tylenol... we are doing OK!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New Things

Aiden is discovering new sounds and getting really close to talking!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Five Months and Counting

Back from Vacation and beginning to enjoy what actually feels like Summer at the Wilson House.  Aiden is learning new things and always hilarious to be around.

Just one week of nuttiness, but this child is always so much fun, even when he is fussy.