Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

Aiden actively participated in hunting eggs this year and put them in his basket...
Thanks to his Grandmother, Granddaddy, Memaw, and Pepaw... Aiden has enough candy until Next Easter lol.

He Had a Pretty Awesome Day 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We love St. Patrick's Day at the Wilson house and it was lovely outside so we took a walk around the block and played in the yard a bit as a break from studying. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Toddlers and Emotion

Toddlers have this amazing emotional range....
I always think of when Hermione chastises Ron for not having any emotional depth at all and how my son's reaction to things are the exact opposite. 

Over the course of an hour Aiden can be extremely jubilant, in the depths of despair, and as wrathful as a category five hurricane... and it is hilarious.

For example... Yesterday he was happy, sad, and in a rage in the span of about twelve minutes. 

He has serious issues with people leaving
Aiden's godfather visited yesterday and was in a great mood until he had to leave to go home after hours.... First he cried and beat on the door...and this was the post meltdown cuddle. 

Within a few minutes he was fine, stacking blocks on the dog...because you know, that is what you do. 

This weekend though, because I have managed my school load a bit better... We've spent a good deal of time together so I have a span of emotions and fun times... he is  pretty awesome and while sometime stressy, the emotional range of toddlers is amazing.

Monday, February 2, 2015

It Has Been A While... Photo Dump GOOOO!!!

I need to update the page and make sure we have some up to date photos of the awesome.
One day when he is 20 and they can look at the internet like a hologram by thinking about it...he will condemn me for posting all these photos of him.

First day of "School" I mean I know it is not real school...but it is school in some form...oh man...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Long Hair, Don't Care

My son Aiden is almost two years old now and we have never cut his hair. Currently he has very long and pretty blonde hair and I like it, but apparently people I know...friends, family...they do not and they feel it necessary to constantly talk about it like they have a say in my son's appearance. I do not know where this problem with long hair on boys comes from... I do not understand why it is such a bone of contention for some people, but I do understand that regardless of how other people feel about my son's long hair... it will stay that way. Listen, I get it...people confuse him for a girl and that does not bother me so I do not understand why on earth it would bother anyone else...
Why does it matter if a complete stranger calls him a she?
Why does it matter if someone randomly and wrongly says he needs to get his hair cut?

1. NO he does not need to get his hair cut.
2. NO it is no one's business why my son's hair is long.
3. NO it is not appropriate to tell someone else that they need to cut their child's hair.  Here is the rub with that... if you are a parent, mind your own kid's upbringing and I will mind mine.  If you are not, you have absolutely no right to tell me how to raise my child.  Essentially.... you do you and I will do me...thanks. 

Monday, October 6, 2014