Sunday, September 21, 2014


Today was Aiden's 2nd trip to the Ocmulgee Indian Festival in Macon. I volunteered this year and spent four hours helping children make pottery and directing people to a walking path and then enjoyed a bit of time with Adam and Aiden before having to rush home to finish a paper with a very close deadline.

We're planning his 2nd birthday party...WOW...that soon??!!!?? 
I cannot believe it.

His grandparents from Florida had a small visit this weekend and he enjoyed spending some quality time.  His grandmother made him some awesome pajamas...which I totally got too excited about because I love pajamas and they all match and are adorable.

(it is the small things people...)

He loves their inflatable bed they sleep on when they visit
Because I am a glutton for punishment and I also think it is hilarious when I see my kid get overly excited, I bought him a flute at the Indian festival. I saw a little girl running around with one while I worked a craft table and I thought to that is loud, Aiden needs one.
I care not for my own sanity. I can only say that his reaction to the flute was comparable to the reaction to the spaceship guy in the Lego movie... FLUTE FLUTE FLUTE!!!!
After the five seconds it took him to figure out how to make sound...he was just elated with it and so tickled and full of laughter, it was worth the five dollars.
He has since played the flute many times tonight before being convinced to go to bed.

This boy likes his flute
Overall... we had a great weekend!