Thursday, September 26, 2013


It was sixty degrees out this morning and felt AMAZING when Aiden and I took our walk.  We walk every single morning (unless the weather stops us) and if we don't get out in the morning we find a way to get our mile and a half down before the sun sets usually... every now and then we miss a walk, but it is rare.

I like walking with him, it is something we do, it is something that at this point at nine months he sees his umbrella stroller and knows what it is for and gets excited...which makes me happy, and I believe, and I could be wrong here, that if I start him outside young, get him walking when he is little, he will enjoy outside.
I loathe the idea of him wanting to stay in his room all day and play video games... I just don't want that battle because it will not happen.   I do not dislike video games as a whole and I do not think that kids should not play them at all, but if there is one thing I have learned by growing up right on the cusp of the Video Game culture and having friends just younger than me enough to see how their lives developed in comparison to mine, where games were more a part of a kid's daily life... I do not want my kid to have that struggle and I want him to love doing things more than sitting in front of a screen.  So we walk every single day... we go outside, we take him places like the Indian Celebration even though he is too little to remember...

Here he is with his dad at a demonstration

There is also the social interaction with all types of people we get when we walk that I find ultimately important.  We now have a pretty diverse host of characters we see almost every day from the sweet crossing guard to the old man on his bike who calls us Sunshine!  Whenever Adam walks with us (I can convince him to do it every now and again when we end up walking in the afternoons), I tell him little stories about the house full of cats (they have like 8 cats outside), the nice old couple who says Aiden always beats me home...or just anyone we come in contact with...
We've never had a bad experience... well there was that one time someone was speeding through the neighborhood, but another neighbor saw it as well and got very angry... I like my neighbors.

If I could just transplant this neighborhood into a bigger city, I would be pretty much content LOL.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time with Family

Aiden has enjoyed tons of family time lately with his grandmother and grandfather visiting from Florida, going to the Indian Celebration with his memaw and aunt and cousin; he also got a visit from his pepaw today!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fun Weekend

Aiden has enjoyed  a pretty fun weekend with his grandmother and grandaddy coming up from Florida to visit.  We went back to Atlanta, went to Ikea (I love that store, he just kind of looks around in awe), stopped by Trader Joe's and then milled around today.  He got some pretty awesome clothes from his grandmother to accentuate his too cool wardrobe and then they had to go home.  We've discovered he has a third tooth coming in on the top, pretty excited about it.  lol.

Man they really do grow fast, and people don't just say that.